About brian marshall

Brian has been playing guitar for over 25 years and has been using stompboxes just as long. He also loves synthesizers, electronics and cats. If he's not designing or building pedals he's probably playing guitar or reminiscing about making music on 8-bit computers. Brian founded Subdecay in 2004.

How pedals even work? Science! Part 1.

By |2018-05-11T05:23:06+00:00May 10th, 2018|Know your gear, news|

Over the years we’ve received emails from folks wanting a deeper explanation of how their pedals work. Some want an overview. Others want to get to the details and and nuances. As much as I enjoy the topic, I don’t always have the time. So you’ll be seeing more posts from us with explanations

Subdecay launches the Vector Preamp.

By |2018-05-04T18:42:56+00:00August 23rd, 2017|news|

Subdecay is proud to announce the new eleven channel Vector Preamp. The Oregon pedal maker merges their early roots of fuzz and overdrive with their current design ethos. The Vector uses digitally controlled analog gain stages and an internal tonestack to pack eleven channels of overdrive and fuzz into a stunningly compact pedal. The

FX20B: Phaser of Darkness.

By |2018-05-04T18:33:42+00:00April 4th, 2017|The Effects Closet|

Who has a soft spot for the DOD FX series? If you are a guitarist of a certain age you’ve probably owned a few of these. Maybe you still have one in the closet covered in grayish brown dust and almost certainly missing the battery door. When DOD got their start in the mid